


还能指定为Principal residence吗?

        税务居民Peter,在2014年买了一套温哥华的房产,儿子2017年结婚后,Peter将房产低价出租给儿子住,Peter在2020年卖掉了这套房子,Peter能指定它为主要自用住宅principal residence吗?


        这些年Peter没有报租金收入,是否可以指认这套房子从2014到2020为自己的 principal residence?


        如果房子以市场价出租给儿子,Peter也报租金收入了,还可以指定它为自己的 principal residence吗?

        根据我们之前文章中主要自用住宅的定义,房产只要被这些人(房主本人、配偶/前配偶、或子女)正常生活居住 ” ordinarily inhabited” 一段时间, 就可以指认它为 principal residence。



The definition of principal residence does not provide that a housing unit that is rented cannot be a principal residence when the tenant who lives in the unit is one of the persons listed in paragraph (a) of this definition.



        这是亲属之间的低价出租,不为了赚取收入,  只为分担一些房子的基本开销,叫费用分摊 cost-sharing arrangement。这种情形Peter不用申报租金收入,同时也不能抵扣出租费用。


        根据 principal residence的定义:Peter持有的房子,由儿子正常居住生活了3年,满足 Principal residence 的要求,Peter可以指认这套房产,从2014年到2020年一直为自己的principal residence,卖出时这套房产是免税的。


        是正常的出租行为,Peter必须申报房租收入,允许抵扣与出租有关的费用。但由于这套房子是由儿子正常居住生活了3年,虽然产生了租金收入,但Peter仍然可以指认这个房子,从2014年到2020一直为自己的 principal residence,卖出时这套房产是免税的。



we are of the view that the mere fact that a taxpayer rents a housing unit to a child for a rent corresponding to its fair market value or some other value, will not prevent the taxpayer from designating this unit as his principal residence provided that all the conditions provided in the definition of “principal residence” are satisfied.

However, if the main reason for owning a housing unit is to earn income but the housing unit is rented to the taxpayer’s child who also ordinarily inhabits the housing unit in that year, the taxpayer could still designate that housing unit as the taxpayer’s principal residence provided the other conditions are met.