



If income-producing property, or money which is used to purchase income-producing property, is transferred or loaned to a related minor, either directly or indirectly, or by means of a trust, the income from the property will normally be attributed back to the person giving the gift or loan.  The capital gains from the property will be considered capital gains of the minor.


Related minor(相关未成年人):从“归源法则”的角度来看,18岁以下的关联人士,或者一个人的侄子或侄女都会被认为是相关未成年人。

A related minor, for purposes of the attribution rules, is a child who is under 18 years old and does not deal with the individual at arm’s length or is a niece or nephew of the individual.





        如果这套房产是王先生的 “主要自用住宅” ,那么增值的这100万是可以免税的(请点击这里了解主要自用住宅税务问题)。转让后,房子新的成本价是200万,以后女儿卖出房子时,增值都由女儿来缴纳。



